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Auto-Scaling Groups


ASGs allow EC2 instances to be scaled out/in to match load. New instances will be automatically registered with a load balancer and inherit the IAM roles that are attached to the ASG.

  • A min/max EC2 instance count can be set to control costs/capacity.
  • Use launch templates to manage ASGs. Avoid legacy launch configurations.
  • An ASG can only be updated by providing a new launch configuration/template.
  • When EC2 instances are terminated, the ASG will automatically create new instances to maintain capacity.
  • EC2 Instances can be configured to terminate when a load balancer marks them as unhealthy.
  • ASGs are free.

Auto-Scaling Group Attributes

  • Launch configuration.
  • AMI + instance type.
  • EC2 User data.
  • EBS volumes.
  • Security groups.
  • SSH key pair.
  • Min/Max size.
  • Initial/desired capacity.
  • Network/subnet info.
  • Load balancer information.
  • Scaling policies.

Auto-Scaling Alarms

ASGs can be scaled based on CloudWatch alarms, where the alarm can be anything - average CPU etc.

Auto-scaling Rules

Auto-scaling can be triggered according to various rules -

  • Target average CPU usage.
  • Number of requests on the ELB per instance.
  • Average network in or out.
  • Custom metrics send to CloudWatch from the application (connected user count etc).
  • Schedule (usage patterns).


The ASG can use the launch template that's assigned to it, or you can specify the mix of instance types and purchase options.

For example, keep a percentage of reserved instances, and auto-scale with On-Demand/Spot instances during peaks.

Health Checks

There's two types of health checks available -

  1. EC2 - Automatically terminate any unhealthy instances and provision replacements.
  2. ELB - Automatically terminate any instances flagged as unhealthy by a load balancer, and provision replacements.


Scaling Policies

Target Tracking Scaling

Simplest and easiest to setup.


I want the average ASG CPU to stay at around 40%

Simple/Step Scaling

Based on CloudWatch alarms.


When a CloudWatch alarm is triggered, scale out (ex: CPU > 70%).

Scheduled Actions

Anticipate scaling based on usage patterns.


Increase min capacity at 5pm on Fridays.

Scaling Cool-down

Scaling cooldown helps ensure that the ASG doesn't launch/terminate instances before the next scaling event takes place.

They're usually used to manage scale in policies, which terminate instances based on a condition. This gives EC2 auto-scaling more time to determine if it needs to terminated additional instances.

  • You can create cool-down periods that apply to a specific simple scaling policy.
  • A scaling specific cool-down overrides the default cooldown period.
  • Scaling cool-down can be used to scale in faster to help reduce costs.
  • Modify cool-down timers and the CloudWatch alarm period if the application is scaling in and out too many times each hour.
  • The default cool-down period is 300 seconds.
  • You can disable scale-in in the scaling policy, to make it scale-out only.

Last update: June 30, 2021