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Cognito gives users an identity so they can interact with an application.

Cognito User Pools (CUP)

Cognito User Pools are a serverless database of users for web & mobile applications.

  • Can integrate with API gateway & ALB (with listeners and rules).
  • Uses a username (or email address)/password combination.
  • Supports password reset, email/phone number verification, MFA.
  • Support federated identities (Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, SAML, OpenID Connect).
  • User accounts can be blocked if their credentials are comprised somewhere.
  • Login returns a JWT token.
  • Custom CSS and Logo can be added to the login UI.
  • Has triggers for AWS Lambda during the authentication flow.

Lambda Triggers

Lambda triggers allow Cognito User Pools to invoke a lambda function synchronously when certain events occur.

User Pool Flow Operation Description
Authentication Pre Authentication Custom validation to accept/deny the sign-in request.
Authentication Post Authentication Event logging for custom analytics.
Authentication Pre Token Generation Augment or suppress token claims.
Sign-Up Pre Sign-up Customer validation to accept/deny sign-up requests.
Sign-Up Post Confirmation Custom welcome messages, or event logging for custom analytics.
Sign-Up Migrate User Migrate a user from an existing user directory to user pools.
Messages Custom Message Advanced customisation and localisation of messages.
Token Creation Pre Token Generation Add/remove attributes in Id tokens.

Cognito Identity Pools (Federated Identity)

Cognito Identity Pools obtain AWS credentials for application users so they can access AWS resources.

  • Can allow unauthenticated (guest) access.
  • Users can login via Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, OpenID, SAML, Cognito User Pools, Developer authenticated identities (custom login server).
  • Can use Cognito User Pools as an identity provider.
  • Users are mapped to IAM roles & policies.
  • IAM policies can be customised based on the user_id variable for fine-grained control.
  • Push synchronization pushwa changes made to user settings on one device, to all other devices.
  • Cognito streams pushwa changes to a Kinesis steam for realtime event processing.
  • Cognito events allows lambda functions to run in response to Cognito events.

Authentication Process

Cognito Identity Pools

IAM Roles

  • Default roles can be defined for authenticated and guest users.
  • Rules can be used to determine which role is given to each user, based on their user_id.
  • Use poolicy variables to partition users.
  • Cognito Identity Pools obtain IAM credentials via STS.
  • Roles must have a trust policy of Cognito Identity Pools.
Guest Policy

This policy allows unauthenticated access to my_picture.jpg.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
Authenticated User Policy

This policy allows an authenticated user to list bucket contents that start with the users user id, and modify any objects that exist under a location that matches the users user id.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3::mybucket"],
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [

Cognito Sync

Cognito Sync synchronises data from mobile devices to Cognito.

  • Deprecated and replaced by AppSync.
  • Store preferences, configuration, state of app.
  • Has offline capability.
  • Max size of each data set is 1MB.
  • Up to 20 datasets can be stored.
  • Push sync silently notifies all devices when identity data changes.
  • Cognito stream sends data from Cognito to Kinesis.
  • Cognito events execute lambda functions in response to events.

Cognito vs IAM

Use Cognito when you need to support hundreds of users, mobile users, or need to authenticate with SAML.

Last update: June 30, 2021