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Simple Queue Service


  • Simple Queue Service.
  • Two queue types - Standard, and FIFO.

SQS - Standard Queue

  • Fully managed.
  • Use to decouple applications.
  • Unlimited throughput & queue size.
  • Default message retention period is 4 days, maximum is 14 days.
  • Low latency (< 10ms public and recieve).
  • 256KB message size limit.
  • Messages can be duplicated, and be delivered out of order (delivered at least once, best effort ordering).
  • After a message has been re-queued multiple times, it can be moved to the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).


  • Send messages to a SQS queue using the SendMessage API.
  • Message is persisted until a consumer deletes it.


  • Poll message queues, process the messages, and deleted them off the queue.
  • Running on EC2,Lambda or on-prem infrastructure.
  • Recieves upto 10 messages at a time.
  • Delete messages using the DeleteMessage API.
  • Each SQS queue can have multiple consumers recieving and processing messages.
  • Horizontal scaling to increase message throughput.
  • CloudWatch metric is available called Queue Length, which can be used to increase/decrease the capacity of the ASG based on the volume of messages.


  • Encryption during transit using HTTPS (enabled by default).
  • Encryption at rest using KMS.
  • Client-side encryption is supported.

Access Policies

  • Similar to S3 bucket policies.
  • Useful for cross-account access or allowing other services to write to a SQS queue.

SQS Queue Notifications

Message Visibility Timeout

  • Default message visibility timeout is 30seconds.
  • Maximum message visibility timeout is 12hrs.
  • Once a message is polled by a consumer, it's invisible to other consumers.
  • Once the visibility timeout is reached, the message will be put back into the queue and made visible to consumers.
  • Use the ChangeMessageVisibility API from the consumer when it needs more time to process a message.
  • If visibility timeout is too high and the consumer crashes, it will take a long time to re-process the message.
  • If visibility timeout is too low, it may generate duplicate messages.

Dead Letter Queues

  • Can set a MaximumReceives threshold limiting how many times the queue can go back into the queue.
  • When threshold is reached, message will be moved to the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) where another app can be used to analyse the message and debug why it wasn't processed.
  • DLQs are subject to retention periods, best practise is to set it to the maximum of 14 days.

Delay Queues

  • Delay a message before making it visible to consumers.
  • Maximum delay is 15mins.
  • Can set a default delay at the queue level.
  • Can override the default on specific messages using the DelaySeconds parameter.

Long Polling

  • Consumer waits for messages to arrive if there's none in the queue.
  • Decreases the number of API calls made to SQS.
  • As soon as SQS recieves a message, it will send it to the Consumer.
  • Wait time can be between 1-20secs.
  • Enabled at the Queue level, or at the API level using WaitTimeSeconds.
  • Should be preferred to short polling.

SQS Extended Client

  • Java library that uses an S3 bucket too store large messages, to work-around the 256KB size limit.

Important APIs

API Description
CreateQueue Creates a queue, use MessageRetentionPeriod to define retention period.
DeleteQueue Delete a queue.
PurgeQueue Delete all the messages in a queue.
SendMessage Used by producer to send a message. Use DelaySeconds to control the message delay.
ReceiveMessage Used by consumer to receive a message.
DeleteMessage Used by a consumer to delete a message.
ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds Used by a consumer to recieve a message using long polling.
ChangeMessageVisibility Change the message timeout.
  • SendMesage, DeleteMessage and ChangeMessageVisibility have batch APIs to help decrease costs.

SQS - FIFO Queue

  • Messages are processed by the consumer in the order they arrived.
  • Max throughput is 300 messages/sec, or 3000 messages/sec with batching.
  • Exactly-once send capability (removes duplicates).
  • Each message needs to specify its group ID, and provide a token (deduplication ID) used for de-duplication.


  • De-duplication interval is 5mins. If the same message is sent multiple times within 5mins, the duplicates will be deleted.

Deduplication Methods

  • Content-based deduplication: Based on the SHA256 hash of the message body.
  • Explicitly provide a message deduplication id.

Message Grouping

  • If MessageGroupID has the same value in a FIFO queue, you can only have one consumer, and all the messages are processed in order.
  • If different MessageGroupID values are provided, you can group a subset of messages. Each Group ID can have a different consumer to support parallel processing.
  • Ordering across groups isn't guaranteed.

Last update: June 30, 2021